The United States Navy and the US Department of Justice (DOJ) have announced they will be creating a new process to fast-track claims from veterans and their families who were sickened by exposure to contaminated water at Camp Lejeune. The new process, when it is put into place, will give certain people much faster access to settlement payouts for certain diseases. It is estimated that this could help tens of thousands of victims suffering from severe or chronic medical issues due to water contamination at the infamous Navy base.
What is This Process?
Under the new proposed fast-track process, veterans and their families who were stationed at Camp Lejeune would be able to quickly obtain settlements for certain medical conditions resulting from toxic exposure. The process would give victims anywhere between $100,000 and $550,000 for their medical issues, provided they meet certain criteria. People who would not meet that criteria, or who wish to seek greater damages, would need to pursue their claims through the courts as normal.
Why is This Process Being Put Into Place?
This process has been instituted in order to deal with the large numbers of claims arising out of Camp Lejeune. For decades, soldiers and their families stationed at the camp were unknowingly exposed to water that was contaminated with toxic chemicals, causing a variety of serious medical conditions. Now, they are seeking compensation in large numbers to obtain some measure of justice for the harm they suffered.
Who Can Benefit From It?
In order to benefit from this process, you will either need to have been a veteran serving at Camp Lejeune during the period where the water was contaminated, a family member stationed at the base with a veteran, or a surviving relative. You would also need to have suffered from one of several specific medical conditions, such as kidney disease, bladder cancer, Parkinson’s disease, or leukemia. If you fit these criteria, you may be eligible to obtain a fast-tracked settlement.
What if You Do Not Meet These Criteria?
If you are not eligible for this process, you can still have avenues available to obtain compensation for the harm you have suffered. In addition to filing a lawsuit to recover damages, you may be eligible for veterans disability benefits. However, to know what you may be able to get in terms of disability benefits, you should speak to a lawyer with experience handling veteran disability claims.
The attorneys of Sullivan & Kehoe place a special focus on assisting disabled veterans. Our veterans’ disability lawyers are still available for remote consultation on your legal issues. Call our office at (800) 395-7830 to schedule a consultation in our New York City, Garden City, Kings Park, Riverhead, or White Plains office, or visit our contact page.