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News and Articles About Social Security Disability and Veterans Disability Benefits


Five Important Things to Know About Burn Pits

Since the passage of the Honoring Our PACT Act of 2022 (also known as simply the PACT Act), an increasing number of veterans have been able to obtain benefits due to illnesses caused by burn pits. This was a major change for the VA, which often previously prevented veterans from obtaining benefits for burn pit-related illnesses. Here are five things you need to know about burn pits as a veteran:

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What Can You Do If Your Disability Application Was Denied?

Every year, millions of people apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, due to suffering from a disabling medical condition. However, more than half of these applications are ultimately denied for one reason or another, leaving people struggling to figure out how they will cover their bills. But what exactly can you do if your disability application was denied?

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Seven Psychological Issues That May Qualify You For Veterans Disabililty Benefits

Veterans who suffer from psychological disorders are potentially able to qualify for disability benefits through the Department of Veterans Affairs. Even if their psychological issues did not begin with their service, they may be eligible for disability benefits if their condition worsened as a result of their experiences serving in the military. Here are seven psychological disorders that may qualify you for veterans disability benefits:

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SSDI Work Credits: What You Need to Know

If you become seriously ill or injured, you may need to apply for Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI for short. In order to be eligible for SSDI, however, you need to make sure you have a sufficient number of work credits to qualify for the program. Here is what you need to know about SSDI work credits and how they might matter to you:

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VA Eases Requirements for Post-9/11 Veterans to Obtain Benefits

The Department of Veterans Affairs (also known as the VA) recently announced that it would be easing the restrictions for veterans from post-9/11 wars to obtain disability benefits for certain medical conditions. The changes to these rules are meant to help veterans who may have struggled to obtain benefits previously due to the nature of their condition, specifically those who were exposed to toxic chemicals during their service. As a result, many more people may be able to obtain benefits than previously could. Continue reading “VA Eases Requirements for Post-9/11 Veterans to Obtain Benefits”

Five Things You Should Know About SSI Income Limits

If you are suffering from a physical or psychological disability, Supplemental Security Income (or SSI for short) may be appropriate for you. However, in order to obtain those benefits, you need to demonstrate you fit within its strict limits on income and assets. Here are five things you need to know about SSI income limits if you are looking to apply for disability benefits:

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What is the PACT Act, and How Can it Benefit You?

The PACT Act of 2022 is one of the most critical laws that has been passed in recent years to address the issues faced by veterans. Thanks to the measures it put into place, many more veterans are now potentially eligible for benefits when they might not have been previously. But what exactly is the PACT Act, and how can it potentially benefit you?

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What Does Appealing Your SSDI or SSI Application Entail?

When you apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI), there is always a chance that your application will be denied, even if you do everything right. However, you can potentially appeal the denial of your application, giving you an additional chance at approval. But what exactly does appealing your SSDI or SSI application entail?

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What Veterans Need to Know About Their Disability Rating

If you are a veteran with a disability, then there is a good chance you have had to deal with the Department of Veterans Affairs (also known as the VA) to obtain a disability rating. This rating is essential, and yet many veterans do not understand what it means or how it is calculated. Here is what you need to know about the VA disability rating as a disabled veteran:

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Who is Eligible for SSI Benefits?

Supplemental Security Income, also known as SSI, is one of the two primary programs run by the Social Security Administration (SSA) that provides financial benefits to people with disabilities. In fact, more than 500,000 people every year successfully apply for SSI to help them cover their expenses. But how do you know if you might be eligible for SSI benefits, and what should you do if you meet those criteria?

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