VA Extends Presumptive Period For Gulf War Syndrome to 2026

The Department of Veterans Affairs has announced that it will be extending the presumptive period for conditions related to service in the Persian Gulf War to December 31, 2026. This will allow people suffering from these conditions, informally referred to as “Gulf War Syndrome,” to more easily access disability benefits. It may also help people who may previously have been denied benefits due to symptoms appearing after the expiration of the previous presumptive period.

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NIH and VA Announce Study of “Gulf War Syndrome”

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and National Institute of Health (NIH) have announced they will be conducting a five-year long study into the condition known as Gulf War Illness, or Gulf War Syndrome, as it is commonly known. This study is meant to look into the varied symptoms of the illness, which affects nearly a third of the 700,000 people who served during the Gulf War. The goal is to uncover the cause of the disease, and develop treatments for those who have suffered with disabilities related to Gulf War Syndrome.

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Presumptive Period for Gulf War Veterans Extended Until 2026

In a recent press release, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced that it would be extending the presumptive period for veterans of the Persian Gulf War until December 31, 2026. This extension gives these veterans more time to apply for disability benefits if they are suffering from unspecified medical issues with no definitive diagnosis. It also means they may be able to recover benefits they might previously have been owed due to not having been properly diagnosed with a medical condition.

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