The coronavirus pandemic brought almost every aspect of life to a halt for months, with many businesses and government offices, including those of the Social Security Administration, forced to close or operate on a limited basis. In New York, at least, the rate of infection is on the downturn, which has allowed government functions to return to a semblance of normalcy. However, that does not mean the danger from the coronavirus is gone, or that you should not take precautions to avoid infection, especially if you are suffering from a physical disability that may make you vulnerable to coronavirus infection.
The coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, is the worst public health crisis the United States has faced in over a century, with more than three million confirmed infections and more than 130,000 deaths. While New York’s rate of infection has been steadily declining, many other states are seeing an extraordinary increase in the number of infections, with local healthcare systems overwhelmed by the number of people requiring emergency medical attention. There is a danger that a lack of vigilance might cause the virus to reappear in massive numbers once again, setting the state back to how it was when the quarantine first began.
As a result, while New York is in the process of phasing out its quarantine, government offices are still practicing social distancing and encouraging the use of face masks while in public. People should still limit the extent to which they go out and take advantage of options for handling their matters remotely, especially if they are disabled or are otherwise vulnerable to infection. The better people are about protecting themselves from infection, the easier it will be to make the coronavirus a problem of the past.
If you or a loved one need assistance applying for SSDI or SSI benefits, it is important that you seek the guidance of an experienced Social Security Disability benefits lawyer. The lawyers at Sullivan & Kehoe, LLP have over 50 years of combined experience between its attorneys and are available to you or your loved one in obtaining Social Security Disability or Supplemental Security Income benefits. To schedule a consultation with our New York Social Security Disability benefits lawyers, call (631) 823-7155.