Five Paperwork Errors That Lead to Disability Denials

The most commonly cited reason for people to have their Social Security disability applications denied is from errors on their paperwork. Avoiding these often simple mistakes can, therefore, dramatically increase your chances of having your application for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) accepted. Watch out for these five types of paperwork errors that can lead to disability denials:

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What Happens if You Do Not Have Enough Work Credits For SSDI?

One of the critical requirements for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is to make sure you have a sufficient number of work credits to qualify. For many people this is not a serious impediment, but for others it can be the difference between obtaining SSDI benefits and not. But what exactly happens if you do not have enough work credits for SSDI?

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SSA Warns People to Be Wary of Social Security Scams

On March 7, the Social Security Administration (SSA) announced that it was celebrating its annual “Slam the Scam” day, warning people of the danger of Social Security scams. This day is meant to bring greater awareness of these types of scams to the general public to help them avoid being harmed by various types of fraud. Recipients of Social Security benefits should always remember to protect their personal information, and always be careful of advertisements or attempts at communication that do not come through official channels.

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New Bill Would Remove Taxes From Social Security Benefits

A new bill, introduced in the Senate in August 2022 as the “You Earned It, You Keep It Act,” would change current law to make it so Social Security benefits are no longer taxable. This would not only help recipients of Social Security retirement benefits, but also people who receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits. This would not only allow people to keep more benefits instead of paying them in taxes, it could also help to extend the solvency of the program itself.

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Why Would You Need a Medical Exam to Get SSDI or SSI?

If you are applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) then there is a good chance that you will eventually need to get a medical examination to obtain your benefits. This examination is a potentially critical part of assessing your disability and determining whether you qualify for disability benefits. But why is it that you need to go through this kind of medical exam to get SSDI or SSI benefits?

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SSA Issues Scam Warning For Seniors With Dementia

This summer, the Social Security Administration (SSA) issued a warning for seniors with dementia and their loved ones to watch out for scams that may target them. These scam artists recognize the vulnerability of people with dementia, and may take advantage of them by trying to steal their money or Social Security benefits. By taking certain precautions, you can help protect your loved ones from fraud and other forms of financial exploitation, keeping their money for themselves. Continue reading “SSA Issues Scam Warning For Seniors With Dementia”

Five Things You Need to Know About SSDI Work Credits

If you want to apply for Social Security Disability Income (SSDI), you need to make sure you need to have a sufficient amount of work credits to qualify. However, not everyone understands what work credits are, or how you know if you have enough. That is why you should make sure you know these five things about work credits before you apply for SSDI benefits:


  1. The number of work credits you need may vary based on age
    • For anyone 31 years old or older, you need to have 40 credits to be able to access SSDI benefits, 20 of which need to have been earned in the last ten years before you applied for disability benefits. However, people between the ages of 24 and 30 can qualify by having enough credits for half the time between when you turned 21 and when you applied for disability benefits. People under the age of 24 can qualify for SSDI with just six credits in the three years before they applied for disability benefits.
  2. You earn work credits by working and paying taxes
    • The way you earn work credits is by earning money via employment or self-employment, which you then pay Social Security taxes on. This means you must either be working as an employee or an independent contractor, or you must be paid income through your own business. The amount of credits you earn is dependent on how much money you make, although most people with regular employment will easily make the maximum number of credits they can earn per year.
  3. You can earn up to four work credits per year
    • You can earn four credits per year, one per financial quarter. As of 2023, one work credit represents $1,640 in covered earnings per financial quarter, or $6,560 for the year. This means that if you earned $6,560 or more for the year, you will get the full four credits for the purposes of qualifying for SSDI.
  4. You can earn all of your work credits for a year all at once
    • That being said, you do not need to be paid that income evenly throughout the year. So long as you make the necessary amount during the year, it will count towards the work credits you receive. For example, if you are unemployed for three of the four fiscal quarters, but receive $7,000 in income for the last fiscal quarter of the year, you will still get the benefit of all four credits.
  5. Even if you don’t have enough work credits, you may have other options
    • If you do not have a sufficient number of work credits, that does not mean you cannot get access to disability benefits. For example, you may be still eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI). However, to know what may work for you, the best thing you can do is speak to a lawyer with experience handling disability benefits claims, who can help you through the process.

If you or a loved one need assistance applying for SSDI or SSI benefits, it is important that you seek the guidance of an experienced Social Security Disability benefits lawyer. The lawyers at Sullivan & Kehoe, LLP have over 50 years of combined experience between its attorneys and are available to you or your loved one in obtaining Social Security Disability or Supplemental Security Income benefits. To schedule a consultation with our New York Social Security Disability benefits lawyers, call (631) 823-7155.

Economists Predict Drop in COLA to 3.1% Next Year

In 2023, recipients of Social Security benefits, including Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) saw a record Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) of 8.7%. This was the largest increase in the COLA since 1981, a significant increase in the amount of money they received. However, economists are forecasting a much more modest increase of 3.1% this year, as economic conditions begin to settle.

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Five Things to Do to Prepare For Your DDS Interview

If you successfully get through the first steps of your application for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI), you will likely be asked to visit Disability Determination Services (DDS). There, you will be subjected to an interview and medical examination to determine if your condition qualifies you for disability benefits. Here are five things you should do to prepare for your DDS exam:

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Five Reasons to Get Legal Assistance For Your SSDI/SSI Application

When people try to apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI), often they will try to fill out their applications on their own. They may believe that getting legal assistance with their applications is unnecessary, an extra expense on top of everything else they need to fill out their application. However, there are many reasons you may want to get legal assistance with your SSDI or SSI application:

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