Five Facts You Should Know About Your VA Disability Rating

The disability rating you receive from the Department of Veteran Affairs (also known as the VA) is a core component of determining what benefits you receive. The better you understand your rating and what it means, the more you can take advantage of what your benefits have to offer. Here are five facts you should know about your VA disability rating:

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Seeking Veterans Disability Benefits for PTSD

Veterans suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) at a significantly higher rate than the rest of the population. When this condition is the result of experiences suffered during their military service, it can qualify them for disability benefits through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). So how do you go about seeking disability benefits as a veteran with PTSD?

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What Does it Mean to Be Exposed to Burn Pits?

The issue of burn pits at military bases has been a source of controversy for years now, as this form of waste disposal has been tied to serious environmental and health consequences. In particular, many veterans have been left with severe health problems resulting from burn pit exposure. But what does it mean to be exposed to burn pits, and how might that impact your ability to obtain veterans disability benefits?

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Rate of Suicide Among Female Veterans Down 14.1%

Thanks to efforts from mental health professionals at the Department of Veterans Affairs (more commonly referred to as the VA), suicide rates among female veterans have declined by 14.1% in 2022, according to the Military Times. This decrease in suicide rates is attributed to increased accessibility of care for women in the military, as well as a greater understanding of the challenges that female veterans face. There are also more resources for female veterans looking to re-enter into the civilian workforce.

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What is PTSD, and Why Are Veterans At Such High Risk of It?

No population in America is at higher risk of suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) than veterans. This psychological disorder causes countless problems for those who suffer from it, and veterans in particular can struggle against its effects due to difficulties seeking and obtaining treatment. But what exactly is PTSD, and why are veterans at such high risk of getting it?

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VA Begins Offering Free Emergency Care for Suicidal Veterans

As of January 17, 2023, the Department of Veterans Affairs (also known as the VA) has begun offering emergency services for veterans suffering from suicidal thoughts. Any suicidal veterans will be able to go to any healthcare facility, whether in the VA network or not, and seek emergency care. This measure will potentially do a great deal to help veterans struggling with mental health issues who are in need of emergency psychological care.

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What Evidence Do You Need to Apply For VA Disability Benefits?

When you try to apply for veterans’ disability benefits through the Department of Veterans Affairs (also known as the VA), you need to demonstrate that you are qualified to obtain those benefits under the law. This means you need to have the right evidence available to prove your claim. But what kinds of evidence will you need in order to get your claim approved and obtain VA disability benefits?

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Congress Passes PACT Act for Veterans Exposed to Burn Pits

On August 2, Congress passed the Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics (PACT) Act, which seeks to address the issue of veterans exposed to burn pits while serving in the military. This bill helps those who, until now, may have struggled to obtain disability benefits or healthcare due to the poorly understood nature of toxic exposure to burn pits. It is expected that around five million veterans will benefit from this new law.

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Why Should You Get Your Disability Rating Reviewed?

Any veteran who becomes disabled as a result of their benefits is potentially eligible for veterans’ disability benefits through the Department of Veteran’s Affairs (VA). The benefits they receive is dependent on their disability rating, which is originally determined when they first get approved for benefits. However, a disability rating is not always static, and can be changed on review. So why should someone consider getting their disability rating reviewed? Continue reading “Why Should You Get Your Disability Rating Reviewed?”

What Determines Your Veterans’ Disability Benefits Ruling?

When the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (VA) issues its ruling on your veterans’ disability benefits, you might have a lot of questions about it. The process can be pretty opaque, and if you do not know what is involved, it may not make a lot of sense. If you keep in mind just a few things, though, you can better understand how the VA may have come to its conclusion: Continue reading “What Determines Your Veterans’ Disability Benefits Ruling?”

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