Five Reasons Your Veterans’ Disability Application Might Be Denied

An application for veterans’ disability benefits through the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (VA) can be a deceptively simple process. On the one hand, if everything goes well, you may go from an initial application to approval within a week or two. Unfortunately, there are many potential pitfalls you could fall into without realizing it. Here are five reasons your veterans’ disability application might be denied: Continue reading “Five Reasons Your Veterans’ Disability Application Might Be Denied”

Four Requirements for SSI Benefits

Supplemental Security Income, also known as SSI, is a surprisingly large program that grants billions of dollars in benefits to Americans every single year. SSI is intended to help people who do not qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSI) to get financial support for a disability. However, not everyone can qualify for SSI. Here are four requirements you need to meet before you can receive SSI benefits: Continue reading “Four Requirements for SSI Benefits”

Five Requirements for Obtaining Veterans’ Disability Benefits

Getting disability benefits through the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (VA) is not easy, even at the best of times. It involves a potentially intensive evaluation process, and it can be easy to make a mistake that can interfere with your ability to get benefits. That is why you should make sure you satisfy all the necessary criteria and have all your paperwork in place before applying. Here are five things you need to do to be able to access veterans’ disability benefits: Continue reading “Five Requirements for Obtaining Veterans’ Disability Benefits”

When Have You Worked Enough for SSDI?

Anyone who has a disability that makes them unable to work can apply for disability benefits through the Social Security Administration (SSA). However, one of the principle programs under the SSA, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), requires that you prove you worked enough to earn your disability benefits. So how do you know if you have worked enough to be able to receive SSDI, and what happens if you do not meet that minimum criteria? Continue reading “When Have You Worked Enough for SSDI?”

What Does it Legally Mean to Have a Disability?

If you want to apply for disability benefits through the Social Security Administration (SSA), first you need to be legally disabled. Otherwise, you will not be able to qualify for benefits under either Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI). But what does it mean to have a disability, in the legal sense, and how does that impact your ability to get SSDI or SSI benefits? Continue reading “What Does it Legally Mean to Have a Disability?”

The Five Steps of Applying for Disability Benefits Through the SSA

Applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) can seem daunting, especially if you have only recently become disabled. However, it is not nearly as difficult as it initially seems, and you do not need to go through the process alone. Here are the five basic steps you need to take if you want to apply for disability benefits through the Social Security Administration (SSA): Continue reading “The Five Steps of Applying for Disability Benefits Through the SSA”

When Should You Apply for Social Security Disability Benefits?

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) are the two primary forms of economic relief that the Social Security Administration (SSA) provides to Americans with disabilities. However, simply because you have a disability does not mean that applying for SSDI or SSI is appropriate for you. So how should you know if you should be applying for disability benefits from the SSA? Continue reading “When Should You Apply for Social Security Disability Benefits?”

What is the Process for Applying for Veterans’ Disability Benefits?

If you’re a veteran who became disabled as a result of your military service, you may be entitled to benefits through the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (VA). If your application for disability benefits is accepted, you could be entitled to both financial assistance and healthcare through the VA health system, among other possible benefits. But what’s actually involved in applying for veterans’ disability benefits, and what does the application process look like? Continue reading “What is the Process for Applying for Veterans’ Disability Benefits?”

White House Proposes New Category for Disability Reviews

The Trump Administration has proposed a new rule that, if accepted, could subject recipients of Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) to reviews of their disability status more frequently. The rule change is expected to result in millions more disability reviews, which will need to be carried out by the Disability Determination Services (DDS) offices in each state. Critics say the rule change is likely to be strenuous for disability recipients and may place additional strain on the Social Security Administration (SSA) and state DDS offices. Continue reading “White House Proposes New Category for Disability Reviews”

What Does It Mean to Be Legally Disabled?

According to the 2017 American Community Survey (ACS), more than 40 million Americans, or about one in eight people in the United States, suffers from some form of disability. However, only about 10 million people in the United States received Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits in that same year. Partly that’s due to variations in how disabilities are defined, but more importantly, it has to do with the difference between having a disability and being legally disabled. Continue reading “What Does It Mean to Be Legally Disabled?”

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