Why You Should Get Legal Help With Your VA Disability Claim

While in theory you can file your claim for disability benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs (also known as the VA) on your own, that is not necessarily a good idea. Without legal assistance you could run into serious problems, during or after filling out your application. Here is why you should make sure you get legal help with your VA disability claim:

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Five Mistakes to Avoid in Your Veterans Disability Application

The process of applying for veterans disability benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) can be difficult and time consuming. That is why you want to make sure you do not have your benefits denied as a result of a simple mistake. Here are five mistakes you should make sure you avoid when making your veterans disability application:

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Five Reasons People Wait Years to Apply for VA Disability Benefits

Most people who apply for disability benefits through the Department of Veterans Affairs (also known as the VA) do so within a year of being discharged from the service. However, some people may not apply for disability benefits until years afterwards, with some people only seeking benefits decades later. But why might someone want to apply for benefits so long after their military service ended?

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Can You Increase Your VA Disability Rating?

If you receive disability benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs (also known as the VA), you have already been assigned a disability rating. What not everyone knows is that you can seek to have your rating increased after it gets assigned, even potentially years or decades after you are first awarded benefits. But how can you increase your disability rating, and what do you need to do?

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Five Tips To Increase Your Chances of Getting VA Disability Benefits

The process of applying for disability benefits through the Department of Veterans Affairs (also known as the VA) can be long and complicated at the best of times, but it can become much harder if you make a serious mistake on your application. That is why you should take a few basic steps to give yourself the best odds of succeeding at obtaining your benefits. Here are five tips to increase your chances of getting VA disability benefits:

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Veteran Homelessness Declined by 11% Since 2020

According to new data released by the Department of Veterans Affairs (also known as the VA), the rate of homelessness among veterans declined by around 11% since 2020. This also indicates an overall drop in the number of homeless veterans by about 55% since 2010. This major drop in homelessness among veterans is attributed in no small part to active efforts by the VA to aid veterans struggling to afford housing.

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VA Publishes Guidebook for Caring For Victims of Long COVID

The Department of Veterans Affairs (also known as the VA) has released a new guidebook for what it refers to as its “whole health system approach” to Long COVID. This guidebook is meant to help the growing number of veterans who struggle with the effects of this disease, also known as “long haulers,” including helping physicians to diagnose victims and determine appropriate treatment. The VA hopes that the practices and standards laid out in the guidebook will help other physicians around the country who are figuring out how to help people struggling with the aftereffects of COVID-19.

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What Does it Mean to Appeal Your VA Disability Determination?

When a veteran tries to apply for disability benefits through the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (VA), there is always the chance that they will either be denied benefits, or not receive the rating they might be entitled to. If this happens, it can be worthwhile to appeal the disability determination to get a better outcome. But what exactly does it mean to appeal a VA disability determination, and how could it help you?

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Why Might Your Application for VA Benefits Be Denied?

The process of applying for disability benefits through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) can be long and difficult, which makes it all the worse if you get denied. Fortunately, there are a few common mistakes you can watch for to make sure your application has the best chance of getting approved. Here are five of the biggest reasons that applications for VA benefits get denied:

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Applying For VA Benefits Due to a Psychological Disability

When people discuss disability among veterans, a lot of the attention tends to go towards people with obvious physical impairments, such as people who have lost limbs or who suffer from chronic pain. However, the potential psychological impairments that people can suffer as a result of their service can be just as debilitating as any physical injury. But how do you go about applying for VA benefits when your primary issue is a psychological disability?

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