Veteran Homelessness Declined by 11% Since 2020

According to new data released by the Department of Veterans Affairs (also known as the VA), the rate of homelessness among veterans declined by around 11% since 2020. This also indicates an overall drop in the number of homeless veterans by about 55% since 2010. This major drop in homelessness among veterans is attributed in no small part to active efforts by the VA to aid veterans struggling to afford housing.

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VA Awards $130M to Homeless Veterans and Their Families

The Department of Veterans’ Affairs (otherwise known as the VA) has announced that it has awarded $130 million in grant funding to veterans around the country to help combat homelessness among veterans and their families. This money is meant to deal with the unfortunate tendency for veterans to become homeless after coming back from their service. These grants help homeless veterans by giving them the resources they need to find stable living conditions, allowing them to get back on their feet.

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