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News and Articles About Social Security Disability and Veterans Disability Benefits


PACT PT Program Increases Veteran Access to Physical Therapy

A new program introduced by the Department of Veterans Affairs (also known as the VA) is set to improve veteran access to physical therapy (PT). Known as the Patient Aligned Care Team (PACT) PT, this program seeks to help veterans begin physical therapy earlier, allowing them to begin the process of recovering much sooner. Currently, the program is available in 86 VA hospitals, with plans to expand the program in the future.

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SSA Issues Scam Warning For Seniors With Dementia

This summer, the Social Security Administration (SSA) issued a warning for seniors with dementia and their loved ones to watch out for scams that may target them. These scam artists recognize the vulnerability of people with dementia, and may take advantage of them by trying to steal their money or Social Security benefits. By taking certain precautions, you can help protect your loved ones from fraud and other forms of financial exploitation, keeping their money for themselves. Continue reading “SSA Issues Scam Warning For Seniors With Dementia”

Navy, DOJ Announce Plans to Fast-Track Camp Lejeune Claims

The United States Navy and the US Department of Justice (DOJ) have announced they will be creating a new process to fast-track claims from veterans and their families who were sickened by exposure to contaminated water at Camp Lejeune. The new process, when it is put into place, will give certain people much faster access to settlement payouts for certain diseases. It is estimated that this could help tens of thousands of victims suffering from severe or chronic medical issues due to water contamination at the infamous Navy base.

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SSA Adds 12 New Disabilities to Compassionate Allowances List

The Social Security Administration (SSA) has announced it will be adding 12 new medical conditions to its “Compassionate Allowances” list. These conditions are severe medical conditions that are often permanently disabling, if not life-threatening. By adding these conditions to this list, it will make it significantly easier for people with certain severe disabilities to be able to access Social Security disability benefits.

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More than 300 Presumptive Conditions Added Under the PACT Act

Under the PACT Act, more than 300 medical issues have been added to the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA’s) list of presumptive conditions. This has helped to dramatically increase the number of veterans who are able to access disability benefits through the VA, particularly veterans suffering from burn pit exposure. Veterans who want to take full advantage of the PACT Act should submit their claims as soon as possible to maximize their chances at getting the benefits they deserve.

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What is the CPI-W, and Why Does it Matter?

If you have looked into Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) it is possible you may have heard of the CPI-W. In fact, the CPI-W is essential for understanding how much you are likely to receive from your SSDI or SSI payments. But what exactly is the CPI-W, and why might it matter to you as an SSDI or SSI recipient?

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Five Things To Know About Appealing a VA Disability Decision

If you are a veteran who was rejected after applying for disability benefits through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), or you received a disability rating lower than what you deserved, you may be able to appeal your decision. However, the process of appealing that decision can be difficult and complicated. That is why you need to know these five things before making your appeal for your VA disability decision:

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Five Medical Reasons You May Be Denied SSDI/SSI Benefits

If you are applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) then you likely are suffering from some kind of severe medical issue. However, many applicants who seek SSDI/SSI benefits wind up having their application denied for medical reasons. Here are five common medical reasons you may have your SSDI or SSI application denied:

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Panel Advances Bill to Improve Access to Retirement Benefits

The House Armed Services Committee has advanced a bill that, if passed, would substantially increase many disabled veterans’ access to retirement benefits. The “Major Richard Star Act,” as it is called, would allow veterans who medically retire before 20 years in the military to obtain both retirement benefits and Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) disability benefits. This could help as many as 50,000 disabled veterans to obtain more benefits for their service, helping them to live more comfortably in civilian life.

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Five Common Types of Disabilities Seen in SSDI Applications

Every year, millions of people apply to the Social Security Administration (SSA) for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. However, some types of disabilities are seen much more often than others when it comes to SSDI and SSI applications. Here are five of the most common types of disabilities seen in SSDI applications:

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